Privacy Policy
Hairgen Hair Loss Control Centre fully understands the importance of your privacy. As an Australian Privacy Principle entity, we respect your rights under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (“the Act”) and the Australian Privacy Principles. This policy is dated May 2018 and governs HAIRGEN HAIR LOSS CONTROL CENTRE (“us, our, Hairgen Hair Loss Control Centre”).
This privacy policy (Policy) is designed to let you know the types of information that we collect, any personal information that we share, the rights and choices you have in relation to your privacy rights, and details about how to make a request for the information we hold or a complaint if you feel we have misused your information.
This Policy may be updated or varied based on changes in the organisation of Hairgen Hair Loss Control Centre or our requirements and obligations under the Act and the Australian Privacy Principles.
Please read this Policy carefully and contact us for any further information or questions about our use or collection of your information.
Collection and Use of Information
“Personal information” is information about an individual who is either identified in the information or easily identifiable from the information. The types of personal information we collect are:
contact details including phone numbers, postal and/or residential addresses and email addresses;
dates of birth;
facts or opinions that are connected to an enquiry conducted on behalf of a client or potential client; and
any other personal information that is provided through the website belonging to Hairgen HQ Perth or as otherwise requested by us or provided by you.
If you do not provide us with your personal information, we may be unable to perform certain services for you, e.g. failure to provide any contact details would result in us being unable to contact you.
If we receive any of your personal or sensitive information from a third party, we will protect it as described in this Policy. We will also take reasonable steps to inform you that we have received this information from a third party. We will also tell you about the type of information we have collected and the reason for the collection.
If you provide us with any personal or sensitive information about a third party, you warrant to us that you have obtained the consent of the third party. It may be necessary for us to have personal or sensitive information about third parties in relation to your matter for us to perform our services to their fullest extent, e.g. to perform our hair loss treatments.
Third party information is protected as described in this Policy.
Purpose and Methods of Collection
At Hairgen Hair Loss Control Centre, we collect your personal information:
Personal information you voluntarily provide to us in face-to-face meetings, telephone calls, interviews, website enquiries, business cards, and other documents; and
Hairgen Hair Loss Control Centre takes care to only collect necessary information. The only reasons that we collect your personal information are for the purposes of:
Contacting and communicating with you;
Conducting the effective management of our business;
Internal record keeping and analysis;
Seeking consent in relation to publications of reviews and testimonials;
For market research, business development and marketing, including direct marketing.
Inviting you to seminars and functions which we think may be of interest to you;
Any other purpose for which you have expressly consented to our collecting, holding, or using your personal Information; and
Any other purpose required or permitted by law.
If you do not wish for your information to be used in the above ways, please contact us. Contact details are located at the bottom of this Policy.
Retention and Storage of Information
We hold personal information in secure and confidential files maintained in paper and/or electronic form. Sometimes personal information held by us is securely stored with third party data storage providers. We take all reasonable steps to protect personal information held by us from misuse, loss, damage, destruction, and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.
For example, we use physical security and we restrict access to electronic records by the use of passwords. However we cannot guarantee the security of personal information and do not accept liability if, despite our efforts, loss or damage arises from a failure to maintain privacy.
While we endeavour to ensure that personal information collected from you is up to date and complete, we will assume any personal information provided by you is free from errors and omissions, is not misleading or deceptive and complies with all relevant laws. We rely on the personal information provided by you. We will not always check or verify the accuracy of personal information we obtain from you or other persons. You should provide us with details of any changes to your personal information as soon as reasonably practicable following such change.
If you wish for your personal or sensitive information to be changed or corrected, please contact us using the contact information provided at the bottom of this Policy.
The Act allows us to refuse to correct your data in some circumstances; we will advise you if we intend to refuse a request for correction.
Disclosure of Information
We will not disclose your personal or sensitive information to a third party unless:
We consider it necessary to disclose the personal information in order to properly perform our services for your benefit; or
You have consented (expressly or impliedly) or requested your personal information to be provided to a third party; or
We are required or permitted by law to provide information to a third party.
If we disclose your information to a third party, we will request that your information be treated in accordance with this Policy.
You can request access to any personal or sensitive information that we hold about you. We may require verification of your identity and for you to specify what type of information you wish to access in order for us to properly address your request.
Contact details
If you wish to access any of your personal information held by us, seek a correction to your personal information held by us, or make a complaint regarding our privacy policy, please contact us directly at:
Address: 31Central Ave, Eastwood, NSW 2122
Mobile: 0427 427 232
E-mail address:
We will endeavour to deal with your request or complaint as soon as is practicable, usually within 30 days.